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NordiCHI’ 14
Submitted papers
Full-day workshop
Making Places: Visualization, Interaction and Experience in Urban Space
“Cities are exciting” [8]. People are drawn to urban areas because of the choices that cities offer. Large-scale sensor networks and pervasive computing technologies are transforming city environments as they become augmented with increasingly powerful, networked technologies and media. [4] This raises the question of how these technologies can play a part in improving the use of the spaces in urban environment and, critically, what roles information visualization and interaction design have in this endeavor. [7] In the context of so-called future or smart cities, visualizations are especially relevant as they are the tangible outcomes of these systems, while interaction design is the enabler for citizens to engage with this urban data.
Emerging technologies are providing new ways of experiencing information in urban space and, consequently, creating a fertile area for cross-disciplinary research, bringing together computer sciences, social sciences, arts and music, among others (see for example [1], [2], [3], [5] and [6]). But it is through human activities, that urban spaces become “places”. How people experience and conceptualise “place” is formed by the scope and range of what happens in that space and those that inhabit it.
This is an interdisciplinary workshop encouraging dialogue between researchers, technologists and design practitioners who are interested in forming continuing collaborative links. We invite position papers (2-6 pages) in Alt Chi format, from a range of areas as HCI, computer and social sciences, music, and arts. Papers will be peer-viewed by at least two members of an international programme committee.
Workshop date: October 26, 2014
The best papers may have the opportunity to be published in the Summer 2015 special issue of the IxD&A journal.
Submitted papers:
De Roeck, Dries and De Kezel, Jan, “All aboard! A starting point towards broad-spectrum citizen involvement”
Blanco, María Menéndez; Bordin, Silvia, and De Angeli, Antonella, “Design for public engagement”
Hägglund, Susanne; Wiklund-Engblom, Annika and Bengs, Anette, “Experience Design to the Rescue for Suburban Social Cohesion”
Mattila, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio; Ojala, Jarno; Laaksonen, Jari; Korhonen, Hannu; Pakkanen, Toni, and Raisamo, Roope, “Experience-Driven Design of Traveler Services in the Smart City”
Nóbrega, Rui; Moura, Daniel; Calcada, Tania; Trigueiros, Paula, and Coelho, António, “Interacting with the Augmented City Sensors and Mixed Reality”
McGookin, David, “Interaction with Geo-Tagged Media in Urban Environments”
Deshpnde, Parag, “On the Application of Interaction Design for Placemaking”
Ahlers, Dirk, “Search and Navigation in Complex Overlapping Urban Spaces”
Wouters, Niels; Claes, Sandy, and Moere, Andrew Vande, “The Role of Situated Public Displays on the Experience of Place”
Kühn, Romina; Moltkau, Beatrice, and Schlegel, Thomas, “Visual Highlighting of Information for Public Transport Information Systems”
Avram, Gabriela, “Turning Spaces into Places –Weaving the Digital Double”
For more information please contact:
[1] Koeman, L., Kalnikaite, V., Rogers, Y., Bird, J. What chalk and tape can tell us: Lessons learnt for next generation urban displays. ACM PerDis’14 (2014).
[2] Kuznetsov, S., Davis, G.N., Paulos, E., Gross, M.D. and Cheung, J.C. Red balloon, green balloon, sensors in the sky. ACM UbiComp’11 (2011), 237–246.
[3] Lin, J-S and Li, P-Y. TEDDI-Sensor Data Visualisation. Project, Newcastle University (2013). Retrieved 5 May 2014, from http://dm.ncl.ac.uk/blog/teddi-sensors-visualisation/
[4] Patel, M. Sotsky, J. Gourley, S. Houghton, D. The Emergence of Civic Tech: Investments in a Growing Field, The Knight Foundation, 2013 http://www.knightfoundation.org/media/uploads/publication_pdfs/knight-civic-tech.pdf
[5] Seah, S.A., Plasencia, D.M., Bennett, P., Karnik, A., Otrocol, V.S., Knibbe, J., Cockburn, A. and Subramaniam, S. Sensa-Bubble: A chrono-sensory mid-air display of sight and smell. ACM CHI’14 (2014), 2863–2872.
[6] Trigueiros, P. and Santelmo, N. Playground - fun with noise. Music and Architecture (2012). Retrieved from https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26811508/playground_dossier.pdf
[7] UrbanIxD: Designing Human Interactions in the Networked City, FP7 project http://www.urbanixd.eu/
[8] Zuckerman, E. Desperately Seeking Serendipity. Closing keynote presented at CHI 2011, Vancouver (2011).
The Media Arts and Technologies project (MAT), NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000061, is financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by national funds, through the Portuguese funding agency, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).