Living Lab : UrbanSense Platform
UrbanSense Platform:
The Urbansense platform is a city-wide platform for pervasive environmental monitoring. It is composed by 20 monitoring units called Data Collection Units, or DCUs, that are deployed at relevant points of the city and contain a set of 10 sensors.
Samples from each DCU are taken every 15 minutes. Sensor data is collected from all DCUs and aggregated at a central server, from where it is made publicly available via a number of IoT and M2M APIs (ETSI M2M, FIWARE). Data collection from DCUs to the central server is made not only using existing infrastructural WiFi points but also the novel WiFi service provided in STCP buses.
Location of DCUs in Porto
Architecture of UrbanSense
Articles about the UrbanSense platform:
"Yunior Luis, Pedro M. Santos, Tiago Lourenco, Carlos Pérez-Penichet, Tânia Calcada, and Ana Aguiar. 2012.
UrbanSense: an Urban-scale Sensing Platform for the Internet of Things. 2016 IEEE Smart Cities Conference (ISC2)." Award: (link)