Achieve full potential of interdisciplinary research in urban technologies. [break]
Achieve full potential of interdisciplinary research in urban technologies. [break]
Turning Porto into a reference Living Lab for future smarter cities technologies. [break]One of the main goals of the Center of Competence for Future Cities was to build research capacity for city-scale experiments. This was achieved by the acquisition and installation of critical equipment for developing large-scale test beds and prototypes in the areas of intelligent transportation […]
The Center of Competence for Future Cities aims to promote the active exchange of knowledge on information and communication technologies for future cities. In order to achieve this goal, several activities such as thematic workshops and conferences will be developed, intended to create opportunities for discussion, sharing, and exchange of ideas and experiences on this subject. […]
Quality of life and sustainability are key concepts for the Center of Competences for Future Cities. [break]There are some specific measures for ensuring that the CCFC is a sustainable long-term initiative. » Seeking matching funds from the industry to complement European Commission support; » Use the testbeds and living labs to attract new partners;[break]» Explore […]
The Center of Competence for Future Cities involves working with mentoring institutes based at prestigious universities in Europe, namely Supélec, University College London (UCL) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), which have agreed to serve as mentors by sharing their knowledge and promoting the exchange of key personnel. In addition, it is the project’s […]