Future Cities

Events : 4th Annual Meeting of the CCFC


20th of December, 2016

Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP)

Registration form: CLICK HERE ( 10€ students - 40€ general public - includes lunch and all coffee breaks)


General Theme: “Towards Future Smarter Cities”

8h30 Registration opens

9h15 Opening session & Welcome

Director of FEUP; Porto.LivingLAB Coordinator

9h30 Session #1:Urban-scale Perspectives

portoPorto. A Smarter City Perspective from the Porto.Municipality

Paulo Calçada, CMP/APD


Keynote IEEE Smart Cities Initiative

Gilles Betis, Chair of the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative, 

(Moderator: Rosaldo Rossetti, Porto.LivingLAB, FEUP)

11h00 Coffee Break (Porto.LivingLAB posters and demos)

11h30 Session #2: Human Factors in Future Smarter Cities


Keynote: Aitor Coca, Center for Disease Control (CDC)/ US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA

(Moderator: João Paulo Cunha, Porto.LivingLAB, FEUP)

13h00 Lunch & Networking (Porto.LivingLAB Posters and Demos)

15h00 Session #3: Platforms for Future Smarter Cities


Keynote: João Barros, Founder and CEO of Veniam; Full professor at FEUP; Founding Director of Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) in Porto

(Moderator: Ana Aguiar, CCFC, FEUP)

16h30 Coffee Break & Networking (Porto.LivingLAB posters and demos)

17h30 Porto.LivingLAB Awards 2016 - Best Posters and Demos presentations (5 min + jury “exam”)

18h30 Prizes and Closing ceremony

Keynote Speakers Bio


Gilles Betis is the leader of the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative (http://smartcities.ieee.org).


Aitor Coca is a Research Physiologist at the National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory of the Center for Disease Control / US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (CDC/NIOSH).


João Barros is Professor Catedrático (Full Professor) of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Porto, Founder and CEO of Veniam and Founding Director of the Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) in Porto, Portugal.

Registration form: CLICK HERE

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